RESPONSE project partners met for a Consortium meeting in Zaragoza, Spain. The event took place on May 28-29, 2024.
The first day of the meeting started with welcome speeches by Miguel Angel Garcia Muro, Deputy of Digital Transformation of Zaragoza City (Area of Economy, Digital Transformation, and Transparency), and David Rodríguez Ochoa, Head of the Funding and Transfer Unit at CIRCE. It was followed by the Project Steering Committee (PSC) Meeting where each of the Work Packages and its development status was presented. The second part of the day was dedicated to the Workshops that were held in parallel.
The highlight of the second day of the Consortium meeting was the Site Visit and exploration of Zaragoza where participants could visit the Replication area of the city.
In the concluding part, Daniel Sarasa (ZARAGOZA) Ignacio López and Eduardo Manchado (Zaragoza University) hold a discussion Towards Bold City Vision 2050 for FCs and LHCs.
Overall, the meeting was a great opportunity to reflect on the project’s progress and discuss the further steps toward all of the project components. The outcomes of this meeting are expected to significantly influence future project development and ensure its successful
conclusion and exploitation of its results.
The RESPONSE project supports two Lighthouse Cities and six Fellow Cities across Europe, aiming to achieve significant energy savings and emissions reductions while fostering innovation and collaboration among diverse stakeholders.
RESPONSE Workshops
During the two-day event, several workshops were held focusing on different topics relevant to the final phase of the RESPONSE implementation. These workshops were organized and conducted by the project partners, specifically those responsible for the various Work Packages, as detailed below:
1. Lessons Learned on Business Models and Financial Analysis Towards Replication – by Alessandro Venturin, and Stefano Bovicelli (RINA-C)
This workshop aimed to maximize the replication potential of the solutions embedded in RESPONSE by analyzing the barriers, pros and cons, and bottlenecks encountered throughout the project, with a particular focus on Work Package 5 (WP5), which is dedicated to business modeling. The challenges and investment hurdles faced during the implementation of Innovation Elements (IEs) were presented to the audience.
2. RESPONSE final event preparation – by Monjur Murshed, Amélie Grelaud (EIFER), Lise Brusseaux (DM), Helmi Anderson (Turku)
The main objectives of this workshop are to answer open questions and get prepared for the RESPONSE final events to successfully celebrate the achievement of the RESPONSE project.
3. Replication update from FCs and LHCs- identification of open questions and issues – by Lea Kleinenkuhnen (BRUSSELS)
The objectives were to verify where FCs and LHCs are in their replication planning as well as check and share what they still need in terms of information and support and identify how this can be provided. The workshop also intended to define will all partners involved the needed next steps to finalise the replication roadmaps by spring 2025.
4. Detailed Exploitation planning – by Douglas Thompson and Ana Fernandes (SPI)
The objective of this session was to discuss ideas on the next steps and actions needed regarding communication of the Key Exploitation Results (KERs) and collect inputs from partners to develop the final exploration plan, such as the identification of RESPONSE KERs and other activities for exploitation of the project results and identification of main target group.
5. Working sessions to support replication/troubleshooting – by Lea Kleinenkuhnen (BRUSSELS)
The idea for this session was to organise targeted replication-related discussions in smaller groups of concerned partners to answer questions and help solve problems identified by the cities regarding their replication efforts.
6. Follow up of RESPONSE project – by Lise Brusseaux (DM)
This workshop aimed to discuss the continuation of the cooperation dynamic after RESPONSE ends by promoting matchmaking for future projects between RESPONSE consortium members and to duplicate and massify the solutions tested as part of RESPONSE.
7. Towards Bold City Vision 2050 for FCs and LHCs – by Daniel Sarasa (ZARAGOZA), Ignacio López and Eduardo Manchado (Zaragoza University)
The intention is to develop an interactive session in which the FCs can create a “Bold City Vision Canvas (BCV)”. Explore how the LHCs have raised their Bold City Vision and generate an active discussion among the cities, putting forward ideas, and questions to the LHCs and reflecting on common issues (methodological, practical, etc) to be addressed by all cities in the implementation of a roadmap towards their BCV.