The paper describes the quantitative ICT SRA methodology for the Replicability and Scalability of the demonstrated TAs on a European level and applies it, using the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) toolkit, to the scenarios defined in RESPONSE’s Grant Agreement.
The paper, developed by Comillas, a partner of the RESPONSE project, focuses on the replicability and scalability of technology applications in the European context, specifically in smart grid systems. Published in the Energies journal, the paper emphasizes the importance of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in modern electricity grids. It introduces a new methodology for quantitatively evaluating ICT scalability and replicability in smart grid systems. This methodology is demonstrated using two real case studies from the RESPONSE project, showcasing solutions that rely on diverse communication technologies. The results are presented through ICT scalability and replicability maps, offering a quick and efficient way to assess the feasibility of different scenarios not covered in the analysis.

Publication available in Energies journal:
A smart grid is a digitally enhanced electricity grid that utilizes Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) to monitor and control devices, enhancing grid Quality of Service (QoS) and performance. This involves remote and efficient management of real-time events, measurements, and failures. The importance of ICT in smart grids necessitates consideration of power system and interoperability requirements. The Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM) was developed to identify standardization gaps, displaying stakeholders, management levels, and interoperability layers. The rapid digitization of electricity grids requires recognition of standardization gaps, scalability, and replicability. Scalability and Replicability Analysis (SRA) identifies potential impediments and limitations, ensuring solutions are not just one-off demonstrations. The article proposes a methodological basis for quantitative ICT SRAs, introducing the concept of an ICT SRA map to summarize results and determine the potential scalability and replicability of smart grid ICT systems. This ensures each implementation benefits from previous studies, avoiding unnecessary duplication of effort.
The paper presents a methodology for quantitatively analyzing the scalability and replicability of ICT systems in smart grid solutions. This methodology, validated through two real case studies from the EU-funded RESPONSE project, offers the following contributions:
- A standalone step-by-step methodology that utilizes the Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM) to identify critical system components and establish a clear relationship between requirements and performance indicators. This methodology covers a gap in guidelines for conducting quantitative Scalability and Replicability Analysis (SRA) focused on smart grid ICT solutions.
- Introduction of ICT scalability and replicability maps as the outcome of ICT SRAs, allowing for a quick overview of system scalability and replicability in different scenarios, and facilitating estimation of feasibility for non-analyzed scenarios.
- Validation and application of the proposed methodology to two real case studies involving different technologies and smart grid use cases. The methodology is applied step by step in both cases, demonstrating the usefulness of ICT SRA maps.
The paper introduces a methodology for quantitatively performing an ICT Scalability and Replicability Analysis (SRA) in the context of smart grids. This approach utilizes the Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM) to characterize the system and define the scope of analysis. The methodology is applied to two case studies from the EU-funded RESPONSE project: Case Study A evaluates a Modbus TCP control and monitoring system for DER, while Case Study B assesses a wireless M-Bus system for smart metering and sensing. The results of both case studies are summarized through ICT Scalability and Replicability Maps, providing a quick overview of system scalability and replicability. The methodology effectively identifies critical links impacting scalability and replicability, irrespective of ICT type. Future research could validate and expand this methodology, potentially incorporating dynamic scalability analysis and numeric indicators for comparison of different ICT alternatives. Additionally, qualitative evaluations of aspects such as interoperability and standardization could complement the methodology.